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Advocacy in Industrial Tribunals

  • 13 Mar 2021
  • 8:30 AM
  • 14 Mar 2021
  • 3:30 PM
  • Brisbane
  • 0


  • This registration included both the course costs and membership to the IRSQ through until 30 June 2022.
  • Available to all members of the IRSQ

Advocacy in Industrial Tribunals Course

The Industrial Relations Society of Queensland is pleased to invite registrations to this year's Advocacy Course to be held in March 2021.

The course is aimed at providing practitioners with the skills and practical experience to advocate matters in both State and Federal tribunals.  The theory component of this course is delivered by a range of highly experienced practitioners including tribunal members, legal professionals, and employer and employee representatives, with the moots being held before QIRC and FWC tribunal members.

The Theory Component of the course will be held over the weekend of 13 and 14 March 2021 (8:30am start each day).  This will include topics covering:

  • Advocacy 101 - What is advocacy, what to expect, what is its purpose, what are the different types, and tips on how to improve;
  • Advocacy in the QIRC and FWC - their differences and expectations;
  • Preparing for Conciliation Conferences
  • How to prepare and deliver an Opening Address, Evidence in Chief, and Closing Submissions;
  • The art of Cross Examination and Re-Examination;
  • How to draft submissions and pleadings; and
  • Preparing for the Moots.

In the Practical Component on the afternoon of 19 March 2021, participants will have the opportunity to participate in 2 Moots in the QIRC and FWC respectively.  This is a fantastic opportunity to hone the skills of an advocate and receive valuable feedback from tribunal members.

Following the Practical Component, all participants will be invited to a post-event networking opportunity with fellow members of the IRSQ including tribunal members.

Full details of timing and locations will be provided to registrants in advance of the course.

Please note, the are no refunds for non-attendance at this event. In the case of cancellation for COVID-19 related reasons the course will be re-scheduled.

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Industrial Relations Society of Queensland
Copyright 2021
ABN Industrial Relations Society QLD 45 332 845 399



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GPO Box 361
QLD 4000

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